At The Period Project, they’re improving the lives of menstruators one period at a time. By increasing local, national, and global awareness of period poverty and delivering menstrual hygiene products to those in need, we’re replacing poverty with community and shame with dignity.

They are part of a worldwide movement of similarly focused nonprofit organizations accelerating the momentum by incubating ideas and exchanging mutual aid for the common – and greater – good.

The Period Project. Dignity is a necessity.

Be The Ones is a nonpartisan grassroots organization building healthier communities, a more equitable democracy, and expanding power by removing barriers to local civic participation across the Southeast.  

Civic participation is an essential component of a healthy democracy and well-functioning society. But, it’s hard to participate if you don’t know when elections are, elected leaders’ jobs & how their decisions impact issues we care about. How can you advocate for better outcomes if you don’t know how systems work. It’s impossible to run for office if you don’t know what you’re running for?

We work to identify and close local civic information and participation gaps.

Our programs aim to inform, connect, and activate so you can participate - from the ballot box to fixing that pesky pothole.

While we believe every person deserves access to information & opportunities, our programs are designed to expand power among systemically excluded communities.

Access for All is a collective of volunteers from the Palmetto State Abortion Fund. Through PSAF we created the Access for All initiative to reach rural South Carolinians who lack access to adequate reproductive care and abortion services due to the failures of the state.

Access for All is dedicated dismantling barriers and creating a supportive environment for individuals seeking reproductive care and abortion services in rural South Carolina.

They strive to break down these barriers through education, advocacy, and outreach, fostering a future where every individual exercise their right to reproductive heath decisions with dignity and autonomy.

"Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn't be that women are the exception." - Ruth Bader Ginsburg